2. Comparison Trap Series: Physical Beauty

Parenthood Experiences

By Kelly Sutton

The first topic for the Comparison Trap Series was House Cleanliness. Now we’re going to get REAL with talking about Physical Beauty.

REMINDER: According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “Comparison is act of examining the character or qualities. Trap is a position or situation from which it is difficult or impossible to escape.”

So within the context of mamahood, my definition of comparison trap is being stuck in the act of examining another mama or parent’s character or actions against yourself or a societal (made-up) standard.

Now we know, we usually want/desire what we DON’T have… 

For me, it sounds a little like this:

  • “I’m so skinny; I wish I was phat. If I just had a phat butt and hips with a thin waist.”

Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies


By Kelly Sutton

Fresh. Hot. Soft Chocolate Chip Cookies. I admit it, when it comes to cookies, the classic chocolate chip cookie is my favorite! Can you smell the aroma yet?

All ingredients used are from our household’s favorite grocery store: Trader Joe’s.


Soft Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Yields 2 dozen cookies

1. Comparison Trap Series: House Cleanliness

Parenthood Experiences

By Kelly Sutton

The first topic for the Comparison Trap Series is House Cleanliness.

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “Comparison is act of examining the character or qualities. Trap is a position or situation from which it is difficult or impossible to escape.”

So within the context of mamahood, my definition of comparison trap is being stuck in the act of examining another mama or parent’s character or actions against yourself or a societal (made-up) standard.

Once you have kids, the definition of cleanliness changes. My definition of cleanliness switched from things actually being clean to TIDY.  I laugh at my past self because I was the person saying, “Once I have kids…; not my kids…”


The New Year is Coming – Essentials for an Annual House Cleanse

Parenthood Experiences

By Kelly Sutton

Growing up my parents often said, “All we want for the holidays is a CLEAN HOUSE!” My siblings and I would sigh and think, “DANG IT!”

Now as a parent, when I really think about all I want for the holidays, it is definitely a second ME. That’s pretty close to my parents’ request of a clean house!  Parents just want stuff done lol!

Now I have tried the house cleaning schedule. I FAILED miserably lol! But here’s the link to it if you’d like to try it out and tweak it for your liking: House Cleaning Schedule

As the New Year of 2018 approaches, I’m yearning to “clean the house” for the new year, but am struggling to find the time to actually do a deep cleanse of everything, so I’ve narrowed down my list to the basics that don’t get attention on a daily basis. I’ve met some pretty amazing moms who can manage to keep these things tidy year around, but it’s not me. I admit, I have some of things locked down, but other items on the list fall to the way side.


I’m calling my annual New Year’s cleanse/purge, the…